Day 7: Wednesday, June 9th: Greer Lake Campground to

  • Jun 09, 2010

Cody slept in until 6:15 and Brooke slept until 8:00.  The Cody separation technique is working, at least on the two mornings that Scott stayed with Brooke.  I get to potentially sleep in tomorrow.  We’ll see what happens…  Of course sleep in is a relative term considering our Minnesota rooster greeted us with a hearty Good Morning at 4 am again.  We thought someone at the campground on Monday night was playing with a bird call.  There was no way such a ridiculous sounding bird really existed.  Turns out since there was no one else at our campground last night that such a bird must really exist.  He only makes noise at around 10 pm and 4 am.  We will try to get a recording of the crazy bird.

Speaking of no one else being at the campground… On the first night of being in St. Croix (don’t forget to read the secret info on that day) (here comes some more secret info) we had to have the van jumped because we didn’t start it up again before we went to bed.  Last night Scott decided to start it up before we went to bed and… no luck.  Why do we start the van before we go to bed?  When we pull in for the night, usually between four and five because we like to have dinner ready for the kids near five, we leave the cooler/ fridge run as long as we can so things stay cool.  However, it draws on the battery power, thus we start the engine again for a few minutes before going into the tent for the night.  Back to the uh-oh moment.  It was very coincidental how last night was the first night that we were literally the one only ones at a campground.  We should have had at least another hour before the battery was dead.  Scott was ready to go to sleep because the cold has finally made its course to him.  He decided he would take care of it in the morning.  I was not okay with waiting and might have gotten a little excited at the idea of being stranded in the middle of no where with two small children.  I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have slept at all thinking about it.  Needless to say I wanted action now.  Strangely enough we did have cell reception.  We went to the billboard at the front of the campground and called all the numbers they had listed.  Finally, when that was no help Scott decided to call AAA.  While on the phone with AAA a man going out bird watching happened to drive by.  Yeah!!!  He was a very kind man who said that he traveled often with his kids when they were little tikes (he is now of great grand dad age) and even has a son who lives in Juneau.  In light of the recent battery outages, we are going to invest in a spare battery.

Yes!!!  Another Wal-Mart trip!  We have been to at least three Wa-Marts since we left and it is only day seven! I told Brooke before we left that Wal-Mart was going to be the closest thing to home while traveling and that does seem to be the case right now.  Although Wal-Mart does rival McDonalds.  We visited three of them yesterday.  The first was just to use the bathroom and the Wifi, the second was to use the Wifi and the play equipment, the third was actually inside the Wal-Mart.

We have come up with a new plan for Brooke’s temper tantrums.  As soon as I write this it won’t work anymore, but it has worked for the last few days.  Scott came up with it when he thought it would be a good idea to record a temper tantrum to share with her when she is older, and maybe gets to deal with her own three year old.  Anyway, as soon as Scott got the I-Phone video ready to record, she hid and stopped the tantrum.  It worked yesterday at Wal-Mart too.  I showed her all the little cameras hanging from the ceiling, and explained that someone was getting to watch her having a tantrum, not to mention all the people shopping who were getting a show.  Brooke looked around and realized people were watching when a woman smiled at her.  That was all it took.  Maybe its mean, but her crawling on the floor screaming that she couldn’t walk was really quite an attention draw.  She usually doesn’t act up at stores, just on play dates and at home, but since there is a lot less private space now.

I have to stop typing now.  I think I have motion issues.  My tummy feels a little wishy washy when I look anywhere but straight ahead.

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